Tuesday 1 November 2016


A country named by it colonial masters years ago. This country was without shape or form before the arrival of it masters (colonial master) they resided and settled on the land blessed with minerals, treasure in it. It is true that man seeks for wealth or treasure, fame or glory which would take him places he would never thought he would be. But however, it is clear that these masters (colonial masters) came because they were in pursuit of wealth and treasures in an unknown land.
They came with the knowledge of exploiting treasures from the unknown land; they gathered the people of different tribes with different culture, different languages together with the ideal to achieve their aims, such as exploiting of the natural and mineral resources in the land.
Like Julius ceaser, they came, they saw, and they conquered, they took form, they dominated. There motive was achieved with conscienceless, regardless of the fact that they are people(human being)with flesh and blood they where treated less because they are blacks, Africans or is it because they were without civilized knowledge of living a so called assumed standard of living.
They are simply racist.
The country grew older, and gained independence. Well enlightened and educated individuals in it. Years passed since they masters (colonial masters) had left, the country has been living in agony and pains, suffering and war from the mistake of the colonial masters. The country has no future, no mission, and no vision to uplift her glory.
Most of the people who believe in justice, are step upon, they make laws to guide their criminal activities, not the people (citizens). Their unlimited selfish interest comes first and last. The people are crying loud to be heard, they want to go back the way they once were so that they won’t be suppressed, oppressed, depressed by the few who are on top, who controls the economy and the affairs of the state. They want to be free from the terror of their past and present leaders.
They have fought against it but all seem no avail, because they are trapped by evil leaders. They more they fight the punishment they receive. But no one has to stop fighting especially when you are fighting for the right cause.
I believe that No one is free until he is completely free.
Their leaders have shown no ramous to the people. Is like the people are coursed, is like the land is coursed, even if they are coursed, I believe course can be broken “yes it can”. Even if it is their destiny to suffer from the hands of their wicked and heartless leaders for their sins, is it the destiny of the new born babies and the unborn children to suffer of the sins they know nothing about?
No one is righteous, we are all guilty of something, but we all deserve mercy.
This poor people with innocent children, deservers’ mercy which could only be given by freedom. Freedom from ruling to oppress and above all, freedom of free land, a land which was once their own and was taken forcefully from them. A land which their forefathers fought to protect and was killed for, a land which they want to go back to, a land which will restore peace, a land that will bring joy and hope to all, a recovery land of the people. A land that they called home because, home is everything.
I believe
I believe there is nothing hidden under the sun
Because I believe in the rising sun
I believe the wicked never go unpunished
I believe fighting for the right cause
Even till death
I believe in freedom
I believe we can bring change
Where change is necessary
I believe we can restore hope
Where hope is lost
I believe we can turn things round
If we believe
I believe in today
I believe in tomorrow
I believe in us. 
I believe there is time for everything, and that time is now, where people need to be heard of their suffering and agony. That time is now when people stand for their right and what they believed in. That time is now when people stand for what is just. That time is now when we stop existing and start living.  


I have noticed some miscommunication and misperceptions about what the Biafra movement is about. Here are 9 key facts about the NEW BIAFRA...