Saturday 19 November 2016


I am a Christian. A good one. I am very much aware and confident that I will make heaven to live with God if I live my Christian life well. Christianity is one out of numerous religions on earth. Truly, my belief is that people will find it difficult to enter God’s kingdom in heaven outside Christianity. Jesus Christ said ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one cometh to the Father except through me”. By that I wish that all peoples would become Christians. My belief is personal. People of other religion have their own beliefs. They may also have conviction that their religion can take them to heaven and wish that all people would become membersof their religion.
Everyone have right to his believe and religion. No one’s religion should be imposed on other, either by force, intimidation, killing, marginalization, denial or any other form of stringent policy or method. As a good Christian, I know I can convert people by my way of life, living out what I preach indeed. LOVE, loving people with the love of God.
It is the goodness in me that will attract other people from other religion to become Christians if they see that my virtuous way of life is lacking in their religion. I try to relate very well to all people especially those from other religion in extraordinary way on ordinary things to gain their desire to become Christians. To be true to people with the principle of equality. Not by force or killing.  No one can be a true covert if he is converted by force.
God is the sole giver of life. Human life is sacred because we were made in God’s image. God does not permit anyone to kill anybody or destroy what He built himself. When you kill people of other religion because they are not members of your religion, you make them martyrs, while you are on your way to hell fire. You never give those you kill the reason to become members of your religion. Know it that no soul dies after all. Every soul is conscious of its state after leaving the body. Each soul is either on its way to heaven if its good or consciously dead in hell fire if its bad.
I bring this gospel of love and peace to Nigerians, to the world wherever fighting and killing is the order of the day, to stop the fighting and killing and embrace peace. If unity (staying together) cannot bring peace, let us divide peacefully to achieve it. Just like Abraham and Lot achieved peace among themselves and their herdsmen after they parted ways. Yet, they still showed love and care to each other in separate ways.
To country Nigeria, your healing begins in breaking up.

So, May God break Nigeria, Amen.


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