Thursday 1 December 2016

Today Dec.1st 2016 World Aids Day


By Ayoyinka Olubunmi

As part of efforts to reach young Nigerians with HIV/AIDS  prevention messages as well as related reproductive health information and education, the National Agency for the Control of AIDS in collaboration with MTV Base recently premiered the award winning series ‘Shuga |Naija’ in Abuja.

Shuga Naija, an award winning sex and relationships drama and multimedia campaign is designed to combat the lack of awareness and misinformation about HIV, sexual responsibility and teen pregnancy among Nigerian youth.The award winning TV series and multimedia campaign is produced by MTV Base and the MTV Staying Alive Foundation in collaboration with the Nigerian Government’s National Agency for the Control of AIDs (NACA), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund).  PEPFAR, (The US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) has also expressed a commitment to join forces with the campaign

Speaking at the premiere of Shuga Naija at the Silver Bird Galleria, Professor John Idoko (the DG NACA) said evidence has shown that people between the ages of 12 to 25years have the highest burden of STI in Nigeria. Shuga Naija is designed to change this trend and improve HIV prevention education among Nigerian youth. Also speaking at the event was the US Ambassador to Nigeria His Excellency James Walstine, who in his words described Shuga Naija as a veritable tool that can change behavior of young people and encouraged efforts to ensure that it reaches a wider range of audience. The US Ambassador used the opportunity to clarify to the Nigerian public that the US government is committed to helping Nigeria in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the country, confirming that half a billion US dollar will be spent on HIV/AIDS in the year 2014, despite the recently Anti-Gay Law passed by Nigeria Government.

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Welcome to December

Congratulations on witnessing the last month of the year.

It shall be a month of speed for you.

What you have not been able to achieve for the past 11 months, will come to you easily this month.

I see you go beyond limits.

Sunday 27 November 2016


Lol. Correct packaging

Lol. This big grammar for just moi moi, eggs and garri.
Photos: 80 couples wed at St. Sylvester's Catholic Church Nyanya, Nasarawa State

 80 couples received their sacrament of matrimony blessings on Sunday, November 27th, at St Sylvester's Catholic Church, New Nyanya in Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa Statexx The Holy Mass was officiated by His Lordship, Most Revd Dr Ishaya Mathew Audu, Catholic bishop of Lafia Diocese, Nasarawa State. In a statement signed by the public relations officer the Church, Ewache Ajefu, the church said that the ceremony was unique and historic in the history of St. Sylvester Catholic Church.

The marriage ceremony and the Sacrament of Confirmation put together by the Parish Priest of St. Sylvester Catholic Church, Lawrence Anyembugu, were part of the key activities lined up for first pastoral visit of the Bishop to the Independent Mission.

Speaking at the occasion, the Bishop admonished the couples to cloth themselves with the love of Christ in order to have a sustainable marriage life, stressing that marriage without love is meaningless. Citing many examples of causes of breakage in marriage life, Bishop Audu called on them to avoid pitfalls that would lead to regrets, adding that exemplary Christian life was key to successful marriage.

What You Should Know

Health News. Nutritionist says boiling vegetables leads to massive nutrient loss

It is common nutritional advice to have five servings of fruits and vegetables daily in order to meet the body's vitamin requirements but you could be undoing any potential health benefits if you're not doing it right. Nutritionist Tracy Lesht says boiling vegetables can lead to a 50 percent nutrient loss thus depleting their benefits. She said that certain vegetables, namely those containing water-soluble vitamins, should never be boiled if you can avoid it.
That includes cabbage, spinach, kale, broccoli, spinach, beans, and peas. 

The reason is that water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water - so if you boil vegetables containing these vitamins, you won't see much health benefit from them. As an alternative, don't cook them for too long if you must and use little water. She says: 'Minimise the cooking time and use small amounts of water with low heat to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients.'

Britain's national health service, the NHS agrees with her. It says:
'By cooking foods, especially boiling them, we lose some of these vitamins.
'The best way to keep as many of the water-soluble vitamins as possible is to steam or grill foods, rather than boil them, or to use the cooking water in soups or stews rather than pouring it away.' Lesht urged foodies not to get too worried about cooking technique. 
'At the end of the day, your food needs to be palatable to you. It's more important to consume fruits and vegetables cooked and prepared the way you enjoy them than it is to be overly concerned with their bioavailability and nutrient loss due to cooking.
'In the grand scheme of things, eating a vegetable and only absorbing 50 per cent of its nutrients is still better than not eating the vegetable at all.


I have noticed some miscommunication and misperceptions about what the Biafra movement is about. Here are 9 key facts about the NEW BIAFRA...