Saturday 1 July 2017


I have noticed some miscommunication and misperceptions about what the Biafra movement is about. Here are 9 key facts about the NEW BIAFRA that everyone should know.

(1) Biafran agitation has nothing to do with hydrocarbon crude oil deposits in Niger Delta. Imo, Abia, Anambra are currently oil producing states in Nigeria, with huge natural gas reserves not forgetting the enormous untapped coal deposits in Enugu 

(2) Biafra is not land-locked. It has numerous accesses to the sea, including through the River Niger.

(3) Biafra entire population is about 35 million people which is greater than the population many advanced countries in Western Europe, including Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, Austria...etc

 (4) Biafra does not or in any form signify war, violence, armed struggle or any sort of physical confrontation. BIAFRA IS NOT WAR! It simply means political, economic and socio-cultural freedom from a feudalist State ruled by terrorists and Jihadists 

(5) Biafra is not a call for massive exodus to Igbo land. Put differently, every Igbo or Biafran must not live in Biafra land. Those who wish could still maintain their residency wherever they are as well as own properties anywhere in the world, including Lagos, Abuja, Kaduna, Kano, Abeokuta...etc

(6) Independent and sovereign Biafra will never translate to loss or forfeiture of landed properties of her citizens in Lagos, Abuja or anywhere in Nigeria. There are many domestic and international treaties, conventions and laws that protect Assets of non-citizens everywhere in the World that will apply appropriately

(7) The NEW BIAFRA shall be a coalition of desirous and willing ethnic nationalities in defunct Eastern Nigeria and would never be a forceful annexation of any unwilling ethnic nationality within its current geo-political definition. Ijaws, Ogonis, Ibibio, Anangs, Efiks, Ogojas, and host of other ethnic minorities shall possess the privilege to decide whether to tango politically with their Igbo brethren or go their own separate ways or remain part of current structural deficient Nigeria

(8) Biafra is a train of peace and liberty. A desire for liberation from institutionalized stumbling blocks like quota system and federal character principles in Nigeria's quasi-unitary society. It is a movement against internal colonialism, tribal gang-ups, economic marginalization and political subjugation of Igbo and ethnic minority neighbors.

 (9) It has nothing to do with hate, bigotry or ethnic chauvinism. Just a desire to live in a healthy society where your tribe, tongue, religion or creed does not define who you are or how far you would go in your career. 


Biafran leader Nnamdi Kanu: The man behind Nigeria's separatists

              Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Nnamdi Kanu steps out of the courtroom after being granted bail by the Federal High Court in Abuja, on April 25, 2017
After spending more than a year-and-a-half in a Nigerian jail without trial on treason charges, Nnamdi Kanu is now free on bail. The BBC's Stephanie Hegarty explains who Nwannekaenyi "Nnamdi" Kanu is and why he attracts so much controversy
Nnamdi Kanu founded the Indigenous People Of Biafra (Ipob) in 2014.
The movement wants a group of states in south-east Nigeria, made up mainly of people from the Igbo ethnic group, to break away and form the independent nation of Biafra.
The plan is not new. In 1967 Igbo leaders declared a Biafran state, but after a brutal civil war, which led to the deaths of up to a million people, the secessionist rebellion was defeated.
But the idea of separatism has bubbled away since then and Mr Kanu is the latest in a line of Biafran activists taking up the cause.
Pro Biafra protesters in southern Nigeria on Sunday 8 November, 2015He was a relatively obscure figure until 2009 when he started Radio Biafra, a station that called for an independent state for the Igbo people and broadcast to Nigeria from London.
Though he grew up in Nigeria's south-east and went to the University of Nsukka, Mr Kanu moved to the UK before graduating.
Soon after setting up Ipob, he spoke to gatherings of the large Igbo diaspora, calling for Biafran independence. In some of his comments, he urged Biafrans to take up arms against the Nigerian state.
"We need guns and we need bullets," he said in one such address.
And that is what brought him to the attention of Nigeria's security services.

GOH! Would you believe this lady is 6 months pregnant? (photo)

That's fitness instructor and author Sarah Stage at 6 months pregnant with her 1yr old son. Amazing!

EFCC acknowledges Jay Z's album

Lol. The person behind this handle, eh!

17 people shot at a nightclub in Arkansas

US Police confirms that 17 people were hurt in a shooting early this morning after a dispute at a downtown Little Rock nightclub. The city's police chief said officers suspect multiple people fired weapons but that the incident was not terror-related.
The shooting happened at the Power Ultra Lounge, a club in a two-story building. Police has since cordoned off the block as crime-scene technicians gathered evidence from inside and outside the club. G
 "We do NOT believe this incident was an active shooter or terror related incident. It appears to have been a dispute at a concert," the city police said.
Little Rock Police said on Twitter that all 17 victims were alive and that one person who had been in critical condition was upgraded to stable.

Remember All of Obamacare’s Broken Promises?

There were a lot of promises made in selling Obamacare—and it seems like just about all of them have been broken.
They told us if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor . . . and yet so many Americans have lost access to their doctors under new Obamacare insurance plans.
They told us if you if you liked your health insurance plan, you could keep it . . . and yet millions of Americans saw their insurance plans canceled because of Obamacare.
They promised that premiums would go down by $2,500 and that everyone in America would be covered. Here’s what President Obama guaranteed back when he was on the campaign trail:
“Our conscience cannot rest so long as nearly 45 million Americans don't have health insurance and the millions more who do are going bankrupt trying to pay for it. I have made a solemn pledge that I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premiums by up to $2,500 a year. That's not simply a matter of policy or ideology—it's a moral commitment.”
Both those promises have been broken too.
Far from covering every American, Obamacare has left 28 million uninsured.
28.2 Million Americans are uninsured under Obamacare
In fact, despite all the disruption and the billions in spending, as of February 2017 Obamacare’s exchanges cover just 10.3 million people. That’s less than half the number of Americans the Congressional Budget Office estimated back in 2012 would be enrolled.
Promises Made... 28.2 Million Promises Broken
And premiums didn’t go down by $2,500 for the average family—they went up by nearly $3,000!

President Trump Welcomes President Moon to the White House

This week, President Donald J. Trump hosted President Moon of South Korea at the White House.
President Trump welcomes the President of South Korea
At their dinner on Thursday evening, President Trump congratulated President Moon on his electoral victory and thanked him for coming to the White House. Early Friday morning, Vice President Pence and President Moon laid a wreath at the Korean War Memorial to commemorate the American and Korean Veterans who lost their lives to preserve freedom in the Korean Peninsula. Later that morning, President Trump and President Moon met privately in the Oval Office. Afterwards, President Trump led an expanded bilateral meeting in the Cabinet room.
Vice President Pence and President MoonPresident Trump and President Moon issued joint statements after the meetings, reaffirming the strong ties between America and South Korea.

President Trump and President Moon deliver joint statementsPresident Trump and President MoonVice President Pence and President MoonVP Pence and President Moon


I have noticed some miscommunication and misperceptions about what the Biafra movement is about. Here are 9 key facts about the NEW BIAFRA...