Monday 5 December 2016

Welcome to a new week.

It is a week of unusual favour for you.

You will not be helpless anymore.

People and situations will move to assist your course.

They will come to your aid.

Receive capacity to harness your break when it happens.

This week enjoy distinction, enjoy ease.

Keep on succeeding!

Thursday 1 December 2016

Today Dec.1st 2016 World Aids Day


By Ayoyinka Olubunmi

As part of efforts to reach young Nigerians with HIV/AIDS  prevention messages as well as related reproductive health information and education, the National Agency for the Control of AIDS in collaboration with MTV Base recently premiered the award winning series ‘Shuga |Naija’ in Abuja.

Shuga Naija, an award winning sex and relationships drama and multimedia campaign is designed to combat the lack of awareness and misinformation about HIV, sexual responsibility and teen pregnancy among Nigerian youth.The award winning TV series and multimedia campaign is produced by MTV Base and the MTV Staying Alive Foundation in collaboration with the Nigerian Government’s National Agency for the Control of AIDs (NACA), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund).  PEPFAR, (The US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) has also expressed a commitment to join forces with the campaign

Speaking at the premiere of Shuga Naija at the Silver Bird Galleria, Professor John Idoko (the DG NACA) said evidence has shown that people between the ages of 12 to 25years have the highest burden of STI in Nigeria. Shuga Naija is designed to change this trend and improve HIV prevention education among Nigerian youth. Also speaking at the event was the US Ambassador to Nigeria His Excellency James Walstine, who in his words described Shuga Naija as a veritable tool that can change behavior of young people and encouraged efforts to ensure that it reaches a wider range of audience. The US Ambassador used the opportunity to clarify to the Nigerian public that the US government is committed to helping Nigeria in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the country, confirming that half a billion US dollar will be spent on HIV/AIDS in the year 2014, despite the recently Anti-Gay Law passed by Nigeria Government.

see more at:
Welcome to December

Congratulations on witnessing the last month of the year.

It shall be a month of speed for you.

What you have not been able to achieve for the past 11 months, will come to you easily this month.

I see you go beyond limits.

Sunday 27 November 2016


Lol. Correct packaging

Lol. This big grammar for just moi moi, eggs and garri.
Photos: 80 couples wed at St. Sylvester's Catholic Church Nyanya, Nasarawa State

 80 couples received their sacrament of matrimony blessings on Sunday, November 27th, at St Sylvester's Catholic Church, New Nyanya in Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa Statexx The Holy Mass was officiated by His Lordship, Most Revd Dr Ishaya Mathew Audu, Catholic bishop of Lafia Diocese, Nasarawa State. In a statement signed by the public relations officer the Church, Ewache Ajefu, the church said that the ceremony was unique and historic in the history of St. Sylvester Catholic Church.

The marriage ceremony and the Sacrament of Confirmation put together by the Parish Priest of St. Sylvester Catholic Church, Lawrence Anyembugu, were part of the key activities lined up for first pastoral visit of the Bishop to the Independent Mission.

Speaking at the occasion, the Bishop admonished the couples to cloth themselves with the love of Christ in order to have a sustainable marriage life, stressing that marriage without love is meaningless. Citing many examples of causes of breakage in marriage life, Bishop Audu called on them to avoid pitfalls that would lead to regrets, adding that exemplary Christian life was key to successful marriage.

What You Should Know

Health News. Nutritionist says boiling vegetables leads to massive nutrient loss

It is common nutritional advice to have five servings of fruits and vegetables daily in order to meet the body's vitamin requirements but you could be undoing any potential health benefits if you're not doing it right. Nutritionist Tracy Lesht says boiling vegetables can lead to a 50 percent nutrient loss thus depleting their benefits. She said that certain vegetables, namely those containing water-soluble vitamins, should never be boiled if you can avoid it.
That includes cabbage, spinach, kale, broccoli, spinach, beans, and peas. 

The reason is that water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water - so if you boil vegetables containing these vitamins, you won't see much health benefit from them. As an alternative, don't cook them for too long if you must and use little water. She says: 'Minimise the cooking time and use small amounts of water with low heat to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients.'

Britain's national health service, the NHS agrees with her. It says:
'By cooking foods, especially boiling them, we lose some of these vitamins.
'The best way to keep as many of the water-soluble vitamins as possible is to steam or grill foods, rather than boil them, or to use the cooking water in soups or stews rather than pouring it away.' Lesht urged foodies not to get too worried about cooking technique. 
'At the end of the day, your food needs to be palatable to you. It's more important to consume fruits and vegetables cooked and prepared the way you enjoy them than it is to be overly concerned with their bioavailability and nutrient loss due to cooking.
'In the grand scheme of things, eating a vegetable and only absorbing 50 per cent of its nutrients is still better than not eating the vegetable at all.

Monday 21 November 2016


World’s oldest president, Robert Mugabe will not contest in the 2018 elections due to health issues

 A senior official from the president's camp has revealed that Robert Mugabe who is the World's oldest and one of the longest serving Heads of State, will not be contesting in the presidential election in 2018, after he was reportedly advised to drop out of the race by his medical doctors.

Although, it’s yet to be officially announced but the unidentified official while explaining the state of the president’s medical records was quoted on ZimNews saying:
‘The President’s medical records are classified and private, I cannot disclose anything, but he (Mugabe) has a clean bill of health at the moment. However he is not going to contest the coming elections, after being told by doctors that the campaigning alone will take a heavy toll on him. You will soon find out for yourselves, but the long and short of it is that he is already out of that race.’
Report also has it that the president, who has endured a cocktail of health woes, including eye cataract problems, reported prostate cancer and paining swollen feet, will embark on another round of medicals in Singapore, Hong Kong or Malaysia when he goes for his annual Christmas holiday with his family in December.

Robert Mugabe aged 92, who assumed the office of the President in 1987 and having ruled for over 30 years.


Rare photo of Queen Elizabeth II as a little girl with the 16th Sultan of Sokoto, Hassan Dan Muasu in 1937

Queen Elizabeth of England is pictured with Sultan Hassan Dan Muasu and Sarkin Gwandu Shehu during their visit to England in 1937.

Saturday 19 November 2016


I am a Christian. A good one. I am very much aware and confident that I will make heaven to live with God if I live my Christian life well. Christianity is one out of numerous religions on earth. Truly, my belief is that people will find it difficult to enter God’s kingdom in heaven outside Christianity. Jesus Christ said ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one cometh to the Father except through me”. By that I wish that all peoples would become Christians. My belief is personal. People of other religion have their own beliefs. They may also have conviction that their religion can take them to heaven and wish that all people would become membersof their religion.
Everyone have right to his believe and religion. No one’s religion should be imposed on other, either by force, intimidation, killing, marginalization, denial or any other form of stringent policy or method. As a good Christian, I know I can convert people by my way of life, living out what I preach indeed. LOVE, loving people with the love of God.
It is the goodness in me that will attract other people from other religion to become Christians if they see that my virtuous way of life is lacking in their religion. I try to relate very well to all people especially those from other religion in extraordinary way on ordinary things to gain their desire to become Christians. To be true to people with the principle of equality. Not by force or killing.  No one can be a true covert if he is converted by force.
God is the sole giver of life. Human life is sacred because we were made in God’s image. God does not permit anyone to kill anybody or destroy what He built himself. When you kill people of other religion because they are not members of your religion, you make them martyrs, while you are on your way to hell fire. You never give those you kill the reason to become members of your religion. Know it that no soul dies after all. Every soul is conscious of its state after leaving the body. Each soul is either on its way to heaven if its good or consciously dead in hell fire if its bad.
I bring this gospel of love and peace to Nigerians, to the world wherever fighting and killing is the order of the day, to stop the fighting and killing and embrace peace. If unity (staying together) cannot bring peace, let us divide peacefully to achieve it. Just like Abraham and Lot achieved peace among themselves and their herdsmen after they parted ways. Yet, they still showed love and care to each other in separate ways.
To country Nigeria, your healing begins in breaking up.

So, May God break Nigeria, Amen.

Tuesday 1 November 2016


A country named by it colonial masters years ago. This country was without shape or form before the arrival of it masters (colonial master) they resided and settled on the land blessed with minerals, treasure in it. It is true that man seeks for wealth or treasure, fame or glory which would take him places he would never thought he would be. But however, it is clear that these masters (colonial masters) came because they were in pursuit of wealth and treasures in an unknown land.
They came with the knowledge of exploiting treasures from the unknown land; they gathered the people of different tribes with different culture, different languages together with the ideal to achieve their aims, such as exploiting of the natural and mineral resources in the land.
Like Julius ceaser, they came, they saw, and they conquered, they took form, they dominated. There motive was achieved with conscienceless, regardless of the fact that they are people(human being)with flesh and blood they where treated less because they are blacks, Africans or is it because they were without civilized knowledge of living a so called assumed standard of living.
They are simply racist.
The country grew older, and gained independence. Well enlightened and educated individuals in it. Years passed since they masters (colonial masters) had left, the country has been living in agony and pains, suffering and war from the mistake of the colonial masters. The country has no future, no mission, and no vision to uplift her glory.
Most of the people who believe in justice, are step upon, they make laws to guide their criminal activities, not the people (citizens). Their unlimited selfish interest comes first and last. The people are crying loud to be heard, they want to go back the way they once were so that they won’t be suppressed, oppressed, depressed by the few who are on top, who controls the economy and the affairs of the state. They want to be free from the terror of their past and present leaders.
They have fought against it but all seem no avail, because they are trapped by evil leaders. They more they fight the punishment they receive. But no one has to stop fighting especially when you are fighting for the right cause.
I believe that No one is free until he is completely free.
Their leaders have shown no ramous to the people. Is like the people are coursed, is like the land is coursed, even if they are coursed, I believe course can be broken “yes it can”. Even if it is their destiny to suffer from the hands of their wicked and heartless leaders for their sins, is it the destiny of the new born babies and the unborn children to suffer of the sins they know nothing about?
No one is righteous, we are all guilty of something, but we all deserve mercy.
This poor people with innocent children, deservers’ mercy which could only be given by freedom. Freedom from ruling to oppress and above all, freedom of free land, a land which was once their own and was taken forcefully from them. A land which their forefathers fought to protect and was killed for, a land which they want to go back to, a land which will restore peace, a land that will bring joy and hope to all, a recovery land of the people. A land that they called home because, home is everything.
I believe
I believe there is nothing hidden under the sun
Because I believe in the rising sun
I believe the wicked never go unpunished
I believe fighting for the right cause
Even till death
I believe in freedom
I believe we can bring change
Where change is necessary
I believe we can restore hope
Where hope is lost
I believe we can turn things round
If we believe
I believe in today
I believe in tomorrow
I believe in us. 
I believe there is time for everything, and that time is now, where people need to be heard of their suffering and agony. That time is now when people stand for their right and what they believed in. That time is now when people stand for what is just. That time is now when we stop existing and start living.  

Saturday 29 October 2016


encourage your husband and urge him on in worthy undertakings until he shall have found his place in the world. You can induce him to put forth greater effort than can any other person in the world. Make him believe that nothing within reason is beyond his power of achievement and you will have rendered him a service that will go a long way toward helping him win in the battle of life. ·              ·              ·              ·              ·              ·              ·              · One of the most successful men in his line in America gives entire credit for his success to his wife. When they were first married she wrote a creed which he signed and placed over his desk. This is a copy of the creed:

 I believe in myself. I believe in those who work with me. I believe in my employer. I believe in my friends. I believe in my family. I believe that God will lend me everything I need with which to succeed if I do my best to earn it through faithful and honest service. I believe in prayer and I will never close my eyes in sleep without praying for divine guidance to the end that I will be patient with other people and tolerant with those who do not believe as I do. I believe that success is the result of intelligent effort and does not depend upon luck or sharp practices or double-crossing friends, fellow men or my employer. I believe I will get out of life exactly what I put into it, therefore I will be careful to conduct myself toward others as I would want them to act toward me. I will not slander those whom I do not like.I will not slight my work no matter what I may see others doing. I will render the best service of which I am capable because I have pledged myself to succeed in life and I know that success is always the result of conscientious and efficient effort. Finally, I will forgive those who offend me because I realize that I shall sometimes offend others and I will need their forgiveness.  

Signed … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …   The woman who wrote this creed was a practical psychologist of the first order.

Thursday 27 October 2016


                            HOW TO BE IN THE RIGHT JOB
No matter where you are in life and whatever you are doing, life won’t give you all you ever desire or wished. Rather, is the other way around. The most successful people in life are those who see themselves as their own small business.
If you can do this, you will find way to make work fun and enjoyable for you.
Identifying that work/job which makes you happy and create an expression of freedom and mental balance in you is what most people are missing.
Be honest to yourself so that you would identify your true self and what you want in life.
I was a wonderer, before I could find myself, it took me time. Since collage, it has been difficult trying to figure out what I want in life. As much as I try, things aren’t just going right.
The world we are today is a competitive one to be compared in the time of our great leaders. The economy now is hard, population is much and there are problem of job opportunities, government have no time for the people anymore, all they care about is there pocket alone.
We are left with lots of challenges around us. Your worries and sleepless night has become a night mare to you, time is running fast you don’t know where to start.
          Most time it is true that to find your self is to get completely lost. Be patience my friend even when we know that time waits no man. Time is money, time is life, time is everything because everything is time but not all time are yours, everything is patience wait for you time because patience is the mother of virtue (wisdom).

Wednesday 26 October 2016


Choose Time Investment Tactics That Work For You

Starbucks President Michelle Gass wakes up at 4:30 a.m. every morning to go running. Avon chairman Andrea Jung wakes up at 5:00 a.m. Vogue editor Anna Wintour is on the tennis court by 6:00 a.m. every morning before work. For these women, starting early is a key tool for increasing their productivity and effectiveness throughout the day.

Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week, takes a different approach to investing his time. He says that there are “two synergistic approaches for increasing productivity. Limit tasks to the important to shorten work time. Shorten work time to limit tasks to the important.”

What is right for you? Let’s maximize the hours in each day by choosing time investment tactics that work for you. Outlined below are the time investment strengths of each Productivity Style to use and leverage as you invest your time and complete work. Specific tactics you can use to capitalize on the minutes you have each day follow the time investment strengths.

Remember to personalize your tactics. Look first at the tactics for your primary Productivity Style. If you have a primary preference or a very close preference for two styles, look at the tactics listed under each style and combine them in a way that works for you.

If You’re a Prioritizer

Your Strengths Are:

Effective, efficient utilization of time
Maximization of time to increase work output
 Ability to focus on the highest value task
 Ability to avoid wasting time on tasks/projects that are unproductive or unimportant
So Try These Tactics:

Time how long it takes you to complete routine tasks, so you can plan your days and weeks even more accurately.
Start your day with your highest priority project or task.
Eliminate all clutter – physical and mental. No clutter means no time wasted on maintenance.
Think about projects that may be completed during down time or slow time. Without a high volume of work, you become bored, which negatively impacts your effectiveness and efficiency.
A Prioritizer in Action:  When executive Marissa Mayer was at Google, she typically crammed 60 meetings into her work week. To offset that grueling schedule, she planned a one-week trip roughly every six months, often to a new location. Knowing that she would be out of the office forced her to put systems in place to keep things running smoothly.

If You’re a Planner

Your Strengths Are:

Ability to plan the time needed to complete tasks
Sequential organization of tasks
Accurate, complete project plans
Minimization of risk of re-work by following best practice or historical precedent
So Try These Tactics:

Schedule open or buffer time each week to allow for unexpected opportunities, issues, or problems.
Build fluidity and flexibility into your plans, allowing for creative insights and the ability to effectively navigate issues or crisis.
Create a structure and plan for the week.
Include thinking and reflecting time, which is especially valuable to you as a Planner.
A Planner in Action: Illene Gordon, CEO of Ingredion, a global ingredient manufacturer that works with food companies like Nestle, Kraft, and Unilever, said, “I am a big believer in being organized. Every Sunday night was family night. We’d have dinner and lay out a plan for the week and month. Sometimes my daughter would say: I have a big paper due, and I’d like your input. I would copy the chapter she was working on, take it with me, and call her from the road so we could talk about it. Once, I gave her a spelling test from the back of a taxi. It was a lot of energy and you have to be willing to do it, but I never thought for a moment it wasn’t possible. You have to have a plan. We had a backup to the backup.”

If You’re an Arranger

Your Strengths Are:

Ability to see the big picture
Ability to encourage teamwork to maximize work output
Intuitive decision-making in real time as events unfold
Ability to block time to complete work
So Try These Tactics:

Know your attention span and plan around it.
Turn off your email notification feature.
Schedule time in the day to connect and interact with people.
Align the execution of the task to your energy level.
An Arranger in Action: Author Keith Ferrazzi is a classic Arranger—in fact, his best-selling book is titled Never Eat Alone, which is a typical Arranger’s motto. Keith advises, “If you have 15 minutes to spare – ping someone – email/connect – use extra time in the day to send an article, make a call or send a text. Taxi time is pinging time. Plane time is pinging time. I reserve those moments for relational curation.”

If You’re a Visualizer

Your Strengths Are:

Ability to see the big picture
Ability to work well under pressure
Ability to work very quickly
Ability to effectively manage and juggle multiple tasks and projects
So Try These Tactics:

Ask yourself, “What is the best use of my time right now?”
Set firm but realistic deadlines.
Stay away from boring and repetitious work.
Keep your calendar visual at all times and stick to simple, basic time frames.
A Visualizer in Action: Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, shared this classic Visualizer advice with entrepreneurs, “Give the rest of your team space to work—in many cases, by moving your office out of the building. Remove yourself from the business’s day-to-day functions and find someone to replace you as head of operations so that you will have enough uninterrupted time to look at the big picture and make decisions about the company’s future direction.”


US Military chiefs 'laying groundwork' for capture of ISIS stronghold Raqqa

The United States Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has revealed that the military is laying groundwork to capture Raqqa terror group, ISIS'S biggest stronghold in Syriaeven as thousands of Kurdish and Peshmerga forces are locked down in battles with ISIS in Mosul, ISIS' second largest stronghold..

Carter, speaking in Paris alongside France's Secretary of Defense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said on Tuesday."There is no delay," when asked if the Mosul fight might slow the offensive on Raqqa and added that the effort to seize 'Raqqa from ISIS is proceeding on plan even as Mosul is proceeding on plan."
 There will be overlap, and that is part of our plan,, We have already begun laying groundwork to commence the isolation of Raqqa. It starts in the next few weeks, That has long been our plan and we will be capable of resourcing both. It's been long a part of our plan that the Mosul operation would kick off when it did. This was a plan that goes back many months now and that Raqqa would follow soon behind."
When asked whether U.S. special forces or other troops would be sent inside Mosul or Raqqa to gather intelligence or hunt "high-value combatants, Carter said focus will be on local troops. And even though no indigenous local force capable of fighting ISIS exists in Raqqa, Carter stressed the need for local forces to take the lead in the fight against ISIS, saying "We want a victory that sticks everywhere, so it's always local forces."
"They are not near [Mosul] at this time ... Our forces do accompany .... the Iraqi security forces and the Peshmerga. So they will get nearer to the city as those forces get nearer to the city ... We are not going to be part of the occupation or hold forces. I certainly am encouraged by the results of our campaign so far in that it has been proceeding as planned, The Iraqis are fighting with skill, and commitment, and courage enabled by the coalition."
Le Drian , France's defence Secretary also said the coalition's role in helping local forces with airstrikes, artillery and training wouldn't stop as it was key to defeating the terror group.
"At this stage, things are going according to plan. It will be a difficult battle of course because ISIL has much to lose, but we are determined to support our allies who are fighting on the ground, and we'd like to commend their courage, their devotion and sacrifice, The loss of Mosul down the road will be a crushing defeat for ISIL, it will be a major symbolic loss, it is from this town that its chief sought to challenge the civilized world," Le Drian said.
Source: CNN/ NBC


Vandal destroys Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star (photos)

Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been destroyed with a pick-ax. The US Republican presidential candidate's star which was awarded to him in 2007 and located at 6801 Hollywood Blvd, was smashed up early today by one Jamie Otis, who took credit for the destruction. Otis posed as a construction worker to fool anyone walking past.

Smashing the embedded terrazzo and brass star to bits, he claims he intends to auction off the removed star to raise money for the women who have come forward to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them over the decades. Los Angeles police are investigating the case.


“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas A. Edison

Failure and Success are like two rivaling siblings that continuously squabble in front of every starting entrepreneur. In starting my own business, I have not found a way of having one without the other. It is no secret that you need to fail to thrive with your business and undoubtedly you have already caught up with a lot of such entrepreneurial wisdom shared in the media.

Here is a list of my 4 biggest personal failures that made my business a success (thus far…)

1) I started only with good intentions

I started TeachPitch because I wanted teachers to collectively share the best online learning resources on a global scale. With one click on the ‘Share-button’ an educator from Detroit could easily help a peer in Delhi.

Beautifully idealistic as this may sound, I did not think of why a teacher would want to click ‘Share’ in the first place. What is the incentive for a teacher to invite other educators to have a look at the online material he/she has discovered on our platform?

We noticed that many in the TeachPitch community were very interested in searching, saving and using the content they found but not so much in sharing, rating and reviewing it.

This taught me something very essential. When building technology, always be sure to ask the crucial, selfish question on behalf of the user: ‘What is in it for me?’

A recent article published in the Atlantic speaks further about these good intentions specifically characteristic to the Education market. Many companies in the sector have the initial intention to revolutionise the way we learn but not the priority to build a solid, scalable business. In order to sustain as an EdTech company it is crucial that you firstly look at what your clients want and what they are willing to pay for.

My learning in the further development of our platform & products is not only to rely on the sharing of online learning content (for the wellbeing of humanity) but to focus on the total use of curated material that teachers work with. So when teachers and schools discover material we provide them with overall metrics on how often the material has been sought, saved, shared, rated and reviewed.

If you want to build a successful business, find out as soon as possible what your users are willing to pay for. You can only realise your good intentions if you are able to sustain.

2) I overdid it in the idea-phase

I was always determined to start my own company and on the look-out for good opportunities to do so.

However, in the initial search of starting my own enterprise, I stuck too long with an idea (and further polishing this in theory) rather than going ahead with its execution. As a result many of the ideas I had never went anywhere.

My mistake was that I was too in love with the idea rather than how it was going to work.

There are so many good ideas out there. Each and every day people come up with clever shortcuts, plans and concepts that many of us can use. However, if we over-focus on an idea and don’t take any action on putting it into practice, it will never materialise.

Today I thoroughly believe that being successful in business is 20% idea and 80% execution but before starting TeachPitch I was convinced this balance was the other way around.

This lead me to concentrate on the wrong priorities in the concept phase, spending budget on wrong things (think of trademarking, patenting, name/logo-development, website registration, etc.) before actually executing if the core of my ideas would work and whether customers would actually use it.

If you want to start your own business, then make sure you are able to get there as soon as you can.

Don’t overthink it, just do it!

3) I was thinking linear

Starting a business comes with many challenges. There is no magical formula to making your company a success and each endeavour has a set of unique struggles you need to overcome. Finding the right solutions to build a company requires a founder to work hard, to be resourceful and - above all - to stick to the belief that your product will become a success.

For me personally such belief is built on exponential thinking. If I am successful, then the fruits of my labour will benefit hundreds of thousands and one day, hundreds of millions of people. You need to be very bold in your thinking and really allow yourself to realise highly ambitious milestones. No excuses and no barriers.

Such thinking is what drives a founder.

In the two years that I have been working on TeachPitch, I have encountered many people and organisations that gave me advice based on linear thinking. Their ideas are built on predictions, calculated risk forecasts and the latest academic management theories but sadly not too much on any real-life operational experience.

Taking too much advice from entities standing on the sidelines can slow you down tremendously and paralyse you in executing in the very crucial phases of your company’s growth.

In the very early days of TeachPitch I carefully listened to such people who told me that I ‘talked the talk, before I walked the walk…’

After spending a considerable amount of time (away from working on TeachPitch) wondering what they exactly meant, I realised that such an observation is founded solely on theory and not on a single day of practical know-how.

Another side to this is that as a company’s founder you hold the vision of what your products and company should look like. Some elements of your vision might not be a reality yet but that does not mean that they will not materialise.

My learning from this is always to be cautious when talking to linear thinkers stood outside of your business. Even though they mean well, they are not in the same situation and might not share the same belief that your business will be an overwhelming success.

Listen to them politely, but do not ever let them slow you down.

4) I put all my eggs in one basket

I am not going to lie to you, the very early days of starting your own company are not easy.

There is just you. No e-mails, no phone calls, no colleagues, no desk, no investors, no clients and no monthly pay-check. The only thing you have is the idea and the determination to execute on it. You rely on your own energy to make things a success and often need to pump yourself up to stay motivated.

Your tenacity is tested time and time again. As a single founder I really needed to get used to my loneliness in my daily doings and make sure that enough of the TeachPitch idea was realised to get matters to the next level.

I noticed that in these days I was quite fragile and very open to feedback of whomever I could share my plans with. In the very beginning you tend to put too much value in the opinion of the random people you run into and have the tendency to make crucial decisions on the basis of their advice.

I remember having extensive conversations with one group of investors who felt that the only thing relevant for TeachPitch was to have a lot of users and not to develop a working business model. I was flattered by their interest and listened carefully to their ideas for too long, hoping that their input would also result into concrete investment. As our talks progressed I started to rely on the fact that they would lead to something positive for our company.

Due to a variety of circumstances it sadly never went anywhere and I did not have too much time to be disappointed.

With very little scope to undo my mistake of only talking to one group of investors, I quickly reached out to more people that believed in us who eventually came on board as new shareholders.

This taught me to always be in contact with more than one group, relevant to grow your business.

If you want to succeed with your own company prepare to get busy and always be in conversation with more than one customer, supplier, investor, future colleague or anyone else that could be relevant to keep your business rolling.

It is very high risk to ‘put all your eggs in one basket. So make sure you get around.

So these are my biggest failures that have made a success out of TeachPitch (thus far…) I feel fortunate to have made them and very happy that they have contributed to making TeachPitch what it is today.

As time progresses I am confident that I will fail many, many times more. I am looking forward to it.


Some Big Ideas Job-seekers Must Follow if They Want to Get a Meaningful Job Applying directly to job postings should represent no more than 20% of what you do. Getting referred to a job is 5-10X more effective than applying directly. If you’re going to apply, only apply to jobs when you’re a perfect fit for the skills and experience listed on the job description. Leverage your understanding of the recruiter’s role. Many recruiters are gatekeepers who don’t know the job and will just box-check your skills and experiences. Others are extremely talented, who want to work with the best people to craft great career moves. You must avoid the former and seek out the latter.  A job hunting plan requires a performance-based resume, an understanding of how recruiters find candidates, and applying through the backdoor. Networking is the key to the backdoor. It must represent 60% of what you need to do. Focus on the job, not the money. It’s better to be underpaid than overpaid. Getting promoted or obtaining a big compensation increase will only occur after you’ve demonstrated great performance. You need to put yourself into these situations. Ignore anyone who says otherwise. Present your strengths and weaknesses via short stories. No one believes general statements. You must validate each of your strengths with a specific example of how it was used in a real job situation. In addition, you need to demonstrate how you’ve turned your weaknesses into strengths. Never say you don’t have any weaknesses! It means you’ve stopped growing. Divide and conquer by asking the universal question. Very early in the interview, or phone screen, you must ask the interviewer to describe the focus of the job, some of the big challenges, and how the new person’s performance will be measured. Pick at least two from this list. Then prove each is a core strength using the SAFW response below. Practice the universal answer to any question. You need to be able to prove every strength with a specific example. Form your answer using the SAFW two-minute response: Say A Few Words – Statement – Amplify – few Examples – Wrap-up. Weave the 10 Best Predictors of Job Success into Your SAFW Response. I just wrote a post for interviewers on how to evaluate your answers. Make sure you have an example proving you possess at least three or four of these strengths. Then during the interview ask if these traits are important for on-the-job success. Of course they will be. Then give your example. Note: this is a slam dunk! Use the phone screen to minimize the impact of a weak first impression. Even if you make a good first impression, it’s important to ask the universal question (see above) early in the phone screen. Answering it correctly will increase the likelihood you’ll be invited to an onsite interview. This will help focus the actual interview on your past performance, instead of box-checking your skills and experience, or judging you on first impressions. Uncover any concerns before the end of the interview. To determine where you stand, ask the interviewer about next steps. If they’re not specific, you probably won’t be called back. In this case, ask the interviewer what’s the biggest concern he/she has about your background. Then ask how the skill, trait or factor mentioned is used on the job. To overcome the concern, you’ll need to use the SAFW two-minute response to prove you can handle the requirement. Getting a job for some is no fun. For all, it’s hard work. But working hard on the wrong things is a waste of time. So rather than complaining, take some advice from Jim Rohn: “Things will get better for you, when you get better.” Learning the ten techniques above is a great way to start.

Friday 7 October 2016

Kaduna State Government declares Islamic Movement in Nigeria aka Shi'tes an unlawful society

Kaduna State Government has issued an Order declaring the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) an unlawful society. A statement by Governor Nasir El-Rufai's media aide, Samuel Aruwan, the decision was taken as part of the government's duty to preserve peace and security in the state, and to ensure that allpersons and organisations are guided by lawful conduct and with due allegiance to the Nigerian state and its Constitution. The Kaduna state executive council approved the making of this order following deliberations at its meeting of Thursday, 06 October 2016. The Order, which has been signed by the Governor, draws on powers vested by the Constitution and the laws of Kaduna State. Section 45 (1) of the Constitution categorically vests in the Governor the powers to take such measures and actions as are necessary for the promotion and protection of: i. public safety, public order, public morality or public health; or ii. the rights and freedom of all persons in Kaduna State. Section 97A of the Penal Code (Cap 110, Laws of Kaduna State, 1991) empowers the Governorto declare as an unlawful society any organisation whose activities are dangerous to the security and good governance of the state. The Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Zaria Clashes of 12-14 December 2015 found that the IMN is not a registered organisation, that it has a paramilitary wing and that its members do not recognise or respect the laws of the country and the duly constituted authorities that have the responsibility to secure and administer the country. The Declaration Order noted that since the regrettable events in Zaria which resulted in the loss of 347 lives, the IMN “has overtly continued with unlawful processions, obstruction of public highways, unauthorized occupation of public facilities including schools without regard to the rights of other citizens and the public peace and order of the State”. The Order noted that “these acts, if allowed to go unchecked will constitute danger to the peace, tranquility, harmonious coexistence and good governance of Kaduna State”. The Declaration Order, which comes into effect on Friday, 7 October 2016, provides for the prosecution of persons that may be in breach of its provisions under the laws of Kaduna State: “Whoever manages, or is a member of the said Society under any appellation or mutation with the propensity of causing the breakdown of law and order, or operates in a manner dangerous to the good governance of the State shall, from commencement of this order, be prosecuted in accordance with the Laws of Kaduna State.” Sections 97A and 97B of the Penal Code prescribe a penalty of imprisonment for seven years or a fine or both for any person convicted for belonging to an unlawful society. The Kaduna State Government reaffirms its vigorous commitment to upholding the right of citizens to practice the religion of their choice. These are rights fully protected by Sections 38 and 40 of the Constitution. Such rights to freedom of thought and worship must however be exercised in ways that do not infringe on the rights of others, and should not subject other people to distress and inconvenience.
Russia's Kim K? 21 year old model has 4.4m Instagram fans thanks to her natural curves (photos 21-year-old top Russian model Anastasia Kvitko has amassed a whopping 4.4million followers on Instagram thanks to her eye whopping shape that includes natural boobs and bum that has seen her being compared to Kim Kardashian. Anastasia, who has been dubbed 'Russia's Kim K' has now moved to Los Angeles to pursue her modelling career boasting a 38-25-42 figure. According to MailOnline she said:  "'I like Kim Kardashian but I don't quite like being compared to her - she is far behind me."  My body is sporty, my hip muscles are trained, my bottom is the most beautiful one, and I have not done any plastic surgeries on my face." While some fans speculate that Anastasia's figure is down to surgery, she claims to be completely natural. '''I like to see bosoms and bottoms, I don't like over slim girls. But you have to be careful with American girls. They often go through surgeries and pour fat into their bottoms taken from other parts of their bodies. And my body is a natural one. I had just one surgery - my appendix was removed.

Saturday 6 August 2016

Miss Sahhara and Bisi Alimi spotted together in London

Nigerian gay right activist Bisi Alimi and and transgender Miss Sahara were together at the launch of Bisi Alimi Foundation on Thursday August 4th in London. More photos after the cut...

Photos: Aisha Buhari interviewed on Voice of America, Washington, D.C.

Wife of the President, Mrs Aisha Buhari, who is currently on a working visit to the US, was at Voice of America in Washington, D.C. Friday, August 5th, where she was interviewed on both the English and Hausa service. More photos after the cut...

Thursday 28 April 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Enugu State Police says herdsmen are not responsible for the killing of dozens of people in the state

The Enugu State Police Command has debunked the rumour making rounds on social media that herdsmen allegedly invaded Umuchigbo, Abakpa Nike, Enugu State and killed several people. They are blaming the killing on hoodlums. After the cut is the statement issued yesterday by the Command.

Alleged Invasion/Attack on Umuchigbo Iji Nike,Enugu
The attention of Enugu State Police Command has been drawn to various publications in some sections of the media regarding the incident at Nimbo Community in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State and hereby present the facts as follows for the guidance of members of the public and to avoid being misinformed,” the statement read.
"On the 25th of April 2016, at about 0630 hours (6.30am), some hoodlums invaded the fringes of Nimbo community in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State, killing six persons and injuring 11, and one person subsequently died.
That the police and army team in the area, noticing what was going on, responded whereby the hoodlums fled after also burning the house of Rev. Pastor Samuel Chukwuemeka, two vehicles and one other vehicle damaged. “It has become necessary to give information/update of earlier information by the Commissioner of Police, Enugu State Command and state the actual figures as so many figures are bandied about by various sections of the media.”

Saturday 9 April 2016

Video: Kim Kardashian reacts to Rob Kardashian's engagement to Blac Chyna
Kim K sent a funny video to Rob Kardashian to express her feelings over his engagement to Blac Chyna. She sent him a snapchat video with tears running down her face. Rob then posted the video on instagram with the caption:
"Had to post this snap my sis sent me. LOL she's got jokes! #KimsCryFace."
It's obvious she is joking. Watch the funny video after the cut. @

Monday 21 March 2016

Photos: 30 African migrants dead, 500 rescued as EU-bound boats capsizes off Libya shores

At least 30 illegal African migrants have drowned when their boats capsized off the western shores of Libya. According to Libya's Coast Guard, Al-Zawia office, EU-bound three boats loaded with some 500 illegal migrants were intercepted and rescued off Mellitah coast on Saturday, March 19. Three other boats unfortunately sank, leaving about 30 migrants, including men and women, dead.

Four bodies have been recovered while the others are still missing. The Coast Guard said disclosed that the three rescued boats were set on fire after taking the migrants to safety.

More photos...

Omotola shares photos comparing her 1st honeymoon to her 20th wedding anniversary getaway

She shared the photos on her Instagram page and wrote "Then #1996 and now #2016 #côtedivoire to #hawaii#countdowntomarch23rd#20yearsmarriageanniversary" 

Patoranking looking dapper in new photos

Photos from a recent shoot. See more after the cut...

Wednesday 16 March 2016

See what this person posted on Facebook...

He's lying and using the photo of a famous Nollywood actress to lie. That is Rita Edochie...

Boko Haram suicide bombers attack Muslim praying ground in Maiduguri, kill 25

25 people were reportedly killed while 17 others were seriously injured after a suspected Boko Haram suicide bomber attacked a Muslim praying ground in Umurari village on the outskirts of Maiduguri, Borno state this morning. The dead bodies have been evacuated from the scene while those injured have been taken to the government hospital for treatment. Security officers are working to restore calm to the ar

"You are from Africa? Wow! How do you live with giraffes and lions" - American man asks Zimbabwean woman

Yeah, you eadd right! Yesterday, March 15, a Zimbabwean human rights lawyer & General Secretary, World YWCA, Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda was at a hotel reception in the U.S when a man asked her the ignorant questions. For over twenty years, Mrs Gumbonzvanda (pictured with Hollywood actress, Ashley Judd) has been working on issues of women and children's human rights with a special focus on crisis countries. After the cut is what she shared on her Facebook page...

"Okay, I was taken aback and am kind of angry and sad at ignorance, but more so at the perception of Africa. I was collecting my keys at the hotel reception and this guys said, aaah, you are from Africa, from Zimbabwe right? I said yes. He was holding my passport. Then he went on to say with true conviction "wow, how do you live with giraffes and the lions? Are you not afraid to just kind of wake up and see a lion staring at you?" I looked at him, and said no am not afraid. we are all part of nature. I am still nursing some sad feeling about how many people in this United States of America do not really know about Africa and have warped ideas. Or its maybe only this single guy. Ummm"

Simon Cowell's son gives his father's ex-girlfriend's daughter a kiss

Simply put; Simon Cowell's son, Eric, two, gave a birthday kiss to a cute little girl named Coco, 1, whose mother is Simon Cowell's ex-girlfriend, Terri Seymour. The two famously dated between 2002 and 2008, but have remained close since they broke up, to the extend that their kids are now friends.

Photo: Comedian Ushebebe and wife welcome son

Popular comedian and OAP, ‎Justice Nuagbe aka Ushbebe and his wife Annette have welcomed a son. The Comedian shared the photo of his new son on his Instagram page.  Congrats to them.

Wiz Khalifa shares adorable photo with his son, Bash

He's cute!

Read Bukola Saraki's comment on the rejected Gender and Equal Opportunity bill, says it will be re-presented to the senate

Senate President Bukola Saraki, says the Gender and Equal Opportunity Bill which was rejected by the senate yesterday March 15th, will be re-presented at the Senate by Senator Biodun Olujimi who introduced it.

In a statement signed by his Special Adviser on Gender issues, Fatima Kakuri, Saraki said the bill had some grey areas which many of the senators rejected due to religious and traditional belief. He said he had it on good authority that Senator Olujimi will be representing the bill once it is re-drafted.

His statement below
"Today, we discussed the Domestication of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention Eliminating all forms of discrimination against women under A Bill For An Act To Incorporate and Enforce Certain Provisions of The United Nations Convention On The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women – the protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, and Other Matters Connected Therewith. As I said during the International Womens Day last week, I am of the opinion that there are substantial parts of the bill that are crucial to the development of our nation such as the Equal Access to Education, strengthening of the laws on Violence against Women, Ending Abduction of girls, Sustenance and Promotion of Entrepreneurship opportunities, Gender Mainstreaming and Gender equality, female participation in governance, among others. Unfortunately, the bill suffered a slight set back because there were some parts of the Bill that some Senators disagreed with along the lines of religion and tradition. The beauty of democracy is that it gives us the opportunity to consider different opinions and this bill can still be represented and reconsidered on the floor of the Senate I have it on good authority that Senator Biodun Olujimi who introduced this bill will reintroduce it after re-drafting it to address some of the reservations that were expressed on the floor of the Senate".

Mercy Johnson shares cute pics of playtime with her kids...

See more photos from chriz


I have noticed some miscommunication and misperceptions about what the Biafra movement is about. Here are 9 key facts about the NEW BIAFRA...