Thursday 27 October 2016


                            HOW TO BE IN THE RIGHT JOB
No matter where you are in life and whatever you are doing, life won’t give you all you ever desire or wished. Rather, is the other way around. The most successful people in life are those who see themselves as their own small business.
If you can do this, you will find way to make work fun and enjoyable for you.
Identifying that work/job which makes you happy and create an expression of freedom and mental balance in you is what most people are missing.
Be honest to yourself so that you would identify your true self and what you want in life.
I was a wonderer, before I could find myself, it took me time. Since collage, it has been difficult trying to figure out what I want in life. As much as I try, things aren’t just going right.
The world we are today is a competitive one to be compared in the time of our great leaders. The economy now is hard, population is much and there are problem of job opportunities, government have no time for the people anymore, all they care about is there pocket alone.
We are left with lots of challenges around us. Your worries and sleepless night has become a night mare to you, time is running fast you don’t know where to start.
          Most time it is true that to find your self is to get completely lost. Be patience my friend even when we know that time waits no man. Time is money, time is life, time is everything because everything is time but not all time are yours, everything is patience wait for you time because patience is the mother of virtue (wisdom).

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