Monday 16 January 2017

Ciara takes subtle shot at ex, Future, in new Cosmo interview

In the interview, her first cover for Cosmopolitan, the expectant mum said she has officially changed her name to Ciara Princess Wilson and took a subtle shot at her ex, Future.

On being one of the first African-American women to land a global deal with Revlon:
She feels honored but her race does not limit her dreams.
On advice to cosmo girls on dating and love:
“Don’t Settle.”
On how public her breakup with an ex became:
She’s happy that some girls can see her mistakes and learn from it.

On if she would do anything different:
She wouldn’t change anything and that she’s “proud of me.”
On her feelings of her and Russell having a child and Russell becoming a father:
She could not have asked for a “better dad to her kids.”
She says she wakes up every morning exactly where she wants to be and doing exactly what she wants to do and she continues to accomplish all of her dreams every day.

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