Sunday 28 February 2016

Idaho senator sparks outrage for saying rape victims CAN'T get pregnant 'because of the trauma of the incident'

  • Rep Pete Nielsen (R) told Idaho committee rape victims can't conceive
  • He said consent is a necessary biological factor in getting pregnant
  • After he spoke on Thursday, the Senate made it compulsory for abortion providers to tell women where they can get a free ultrasound
  • Evidence shows 90 per cent of women choose life once they see their unborn child on an ultrasound A lawmaker in Idaho has come under fire for suggesting rape does not lead to pregnancy because it is too traumatic.
    In a bizarre statement during a debate about abortion on Thursday, Rep Pete Nielsen (R) suggested consent is a biological factor in a woman's ability to conceive.
    His words came shortly before Republicans passed a bill to make it compulsory for abortion providers to tell all women where they can get a free ultrasound.
    Pro-choice activists argue the rule is a way to emotionally manipulate women into keeping a baby, and opponents of the bill cite rape and incest victims as examples of a right to an abortion.  
    Rep Nielsen, however, dismissed this argument, saying that victims of rape cannot get pregnant. 
    Rep Pete Nielsen (pictured) suggested consent is a biological factor in a woman's ability to conceive
    Rep Pete Nielsen (pictured) suggested consent is a biological factor in a woman's ability to conceive
    'Now, I'm of the understanding that in many cases of rape, it does not involve any pregnancy because of the trauma of the incident,' Nielsen said, adding: 'That may be true with incest a little bit.'
    When he was later challenged on the comment and its lack of scientific basis, Rep Nielsen said he stood by it.
    'That's information that I've had through the years. Whether it's totally accurate or not, I don't know,' the Spokesman Review reported.
    'I read a lot of information. I have read it several times. 
    'Being a father of five girls, I've explored this a lot.'

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