Wednesday 2 March 2016


That’s Me.

        I am Christopher pantaleon (aka) chrizpantaleon D’silent.

And here is my story.

Have you ever feel confused and not confused?
        I’m a boy from the continent of the gun, the east in Nigeria.
Since I was born, to make choices, I have always admired great thinkers and successful people.
I asked myself, what can it take to be successful?
People say “it take a lot of hard work to be successful, some say it takes only the grace to become a successful.
I came across a statement made by bill gate a long time ago “I am a success today because I read a lot and I think a lot”. I ponder how true this could be when I spend twenty hours of my time thinking and only four hours to have a rest.
How true is that when most of my ideas can’t get me to where I want to be? How true is that when most people who work harder than I have not even gotten there yet.
         My friend told me not to have worries over myself on what I’m going through today, that they are there already even before I ever exist.
Let the future take care of itself, it will be what it is said to be. That life is like a game, you win, you loss.
When you trough a dice, u can’t predict what it would become of the digits, but you hope it becomes good, that how life works.
Now, will you say people made it out of luck or grace?
      I’m confused even confused because the great minds said “yesterday was the past, today is the present, tomorrow is the future, our today activities determine our tomorrows future”.
How possibly true could this be? Could it be we make our own tomorrow? If we do, what then happens to destiny is destiny a farer tales?
 I’m confused. I feel I have lots of knowledge, wisdom in me already, yet I feel empty.
         My father ones told me that life is about principles and experiences, that I have to discipline myself through the principles I have made to myself to become a success. He told me that he has much experience of life, that son, “experience is the best teacher in life to success”.
I ponder over this, could this be true? What if I don’t survive the experience I might encounter, what if it cost my life?
I’m confused, should I learn from people experience and mistakes? If I do, what if it hinders me from becoming whom am to be. Because the same mistake you did that brought you distortion, might bring me victory.
Funny?  Yes, life is like a double edge sword. We cannot predict, we can only hope, hope for a better tomorrow.
      Now, what do you think when I say being successful lies in LUCK and GRACE?
Because most things you have done today and fail, some has done it and succeed.
Do you believe me now when I say success lies in grace and luck? But my questions is,

How will my luck and grace measured?

Will I ever be lucky to make an indelible foot print on this earth when am gone?

Will the grace be with me as my name implies “pantaleon(grace)?

Can our names manifest in our destiny? Can it give us hope?

I continue

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