Wednesday 2 March 2016

Let’s be honest… there’s only so much you can do (and so many products you can buy) to get your hair looking and feeling healthy.
Former Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson suggests that maaaybe we’re going about it the wrong way. “If you’re not eating nutrient rich foods, your hair will not look its best.”
Sounds pretty accurate to us. Shawn compiled a list of her top ten foods for hair that both looks and feels healthy. Here’s what she had to say:

1. Oysters.

I know a lot of people who don’t really like the texture of oysters, but these slimy little guys are low in fat, calories and cholesterol in addition to being high in iron, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc and calcium.

2. Spinach.

We all know spinach is a great source of fiber and iron, but you might not know it’s also full of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, protein, calcium…the list goes on and on.

3. Eggs.

You don’t want to have eggs every day because they are really high in cholesterol but there is nothing wrong with having one from time to time.

4. Wild Salmon.

This is my go-to when I’m craving a good healthy meal. It’s surprisingly easy to cook and full of omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Sweet Potatoes.

I love sweet potatoes! What’s not to love? They are super yummy, and full of nutrients like fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B6 just to name a few.

6. Lentils.

If you need a reason to eat more lentils…I’ll give you three!
1) They are super versatile and can be paired with meat, fish or veggies.
2) Lentils are easy to cook and even easier to season.
3) And… they are full of protein!

7. Greek Yogurt.

When I think of greek yogurt I think of breakfast, but it’s also great to snack on during the day… throw some fruit on top and you’re good to go!

8. Tomatoes.

Who doesn’t like tomatoes? It’s one of the few fruits that work perfectly in savory dishes. I love adding tomatoes to a whole wheat pasta dish or just slicing one up and putting it into a salad.

9. Blueberries.

Berries are some of the healthiest fruits you can eat, and blueberries are packed full of nutritional goodness!

10. Walnuts.

Snacking on walnuts may not sound as sexy as a bag of chips, or even cookies but trust me your hair will thank you.

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